• The One-Stop How-To Guide For All Things Jewelry


    Buying jewelry can be a very good experience and especially if what you buy is something that you can hold onto and pass down from generation to generation. You have to be sure to find pieces that suit you, but also those that are worth what you intend to pay for them.

    Keep your fragile stone jewelry stored in separate boxes, away from your other pieces, to prolong the life of these stones. You don’t want them getting scuffed or broken, by being in direct contact with stronger and harder jewelry pieces. Try wrapping these fragile stones in velvet or silk, before placing them in the boxes. It’s best if you keep the boxes that they originally came in, for this purpose.

    Do not attempt to shine your silver or gold jewelry with toothpaste. It is simply an incorrect home remedy that many try to pass off as fact that …


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